Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Where is my Team Project created directly in Microsoft Azure ?


As per today, this service is in Preview. I had to fiddle around to find my way in. Here is how you could do it from within Microsoft Azure.

Let’s start the investigations, since this is not necessarily intuitive.

Create a “New Team Project (PREVIEW)”

From your Azure subscription, go to “New Team Project” . It is also going to create a VSTS portal.


Fill in the information,



NOW WHAT HAPPENDED ??? Because, we cannot see anything !


  • If we try to delete the ressource group, we can see that Azure detects the dependencies to VSTS
  • Looking at the old portal, we cannot see anything either,
  • Looking at the list of “ALL RESSOURCES”, VSTS is still not there.


So where is it ?

  1. Looking at the Logs of the creation of the ARM, Azure has created it … somewhere
  2. Drilling down into the Ressource Group, use the Export Template button, ans you’ll find it :
  3. Let’s use a feautre that I barely use. The “Browse”, and look at Team Services Accountsimage
    and you’ll find it, at LAST !!

It’s good, I can configure few things above.

So what’s the problem ??

The thing is that I cannot access (I least I don’t know) where is the configuration of the Azure Active Directory


As a result, in VSTS-Team Project, it is linked to a Default Directory, that I don’t want, and I cannot add any Team Members, from their Live ID. And from VSTS, it is a read only property:


I have this :


Instead of this, where I can fill in a Microsoft Account, instead of a Corporate account, of a Directory that is no use for me.
