Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Microsoft Envision : Presenting Industry 4.0 + Hololens at the Louvre carrousel

During the Microsoft Envision Paris 2022, I am glad to have been selected to present Industry 4.0 and Hololens at the Louvre carrousel.

We received may executives from ALSTOM, LaPoste, L'OREAL, ... to present what is a connected factory and even manipulate it from remote, using a smart phone, or ... its Digital Twin in a Hololens !



Thursday, December 8, 2022

How to reduce clients’ expenses using Digital Twin principles


How to reduce clients’ expenses using Digital Twin principles

Presentation on the DataArt event : 

Vincent ThavonekhamCEO | Microsoft Regional Director | Azure MVP, Factovia

What we will talk about:

Many people claim they have been doing Digital Twins for decades. Let's see why the latest concepts goes way beyond. It is revolutionary to decrease client's expenses and help reducing the environmental impacts efficiently. We will introduce the origin of the recent Digital Twin concepts (versus BIM) and dive into its usage to explore the past, the present and the possible future of "things". Beyond it's apparent simplicity, let’s see why it is as revolutionary as IoT! Then, we will talk about the expenses' optimization and how to lower gas/oil/electricity/... consumption..

Monday, December 5, 2022

Le Edge Computing dans l'industrie 4.0

 Today, at lunchtime, I am presenting some return of experience for the community ADIRA, on the "artificial intelligence group", talking about IoT Edge and IA.

"Le Edge Computing dans l'industrie 4.0"

Avec Vincent Thavonekham, Industrial IoT & Cloud Expert

Vincent a 22 ans d’expérience dans l’informatique de pointe, travaillant avec de nombreux experts reconnus, ainsi que des ComEx de PME et d’entreprises mondiales. Il guide ses clients dans leur transition vers le monde numérique, et en particulier vers le monde de la Smart Factory / Smart Industry.
Il a un diplôme d’ingénieur en mécanique et production et un MSc IT en IA, et est impliqué dans la communauté Agile.